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Across Rainbows Blog
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Oct 1, 20218 min read
The future of LGBTQ+ in Brighton
People come to settle in Brighton from all over the world. Hundreds and thousands of LGBTQ+ people visit or call it home. It is a diverse...

Jul 22, 20214 min read
A gay Aspies tale - Low mood, anxiety and loneliness in the digital age
I’ve been struggling recently. Low mood and anxiety have felt overwhelming at times. As a gay man with Aspergers syndrome, I’m not...

Feb 27, 20212 min read
So how do you have sex?
I know most lesbians can relate to those uncomfortable moments when straight people ask questions like “So how do you have sex?” The 3...

Feb 10, 20211 min read
Reframing Valentine’s Day for Queers
February 14th, Valentine’s Day. A day where love is celebrated on a big scale with teddy bears, chocolates, Hallmark cards, romantic...

Feb 1, 20212 min read
Hope... in a sea of red flags
Some relationships just won’t work. But you want them to work so badly that you sometimes ignore the red flags waving at you in the...

Jan 13, 20213 min read
Outsourcing my self-worth led to a dead end.
We’re on day 13 of the New Year and 3rd lockdown and it’s rubbish weather. So I thought I’d write an uplifting/funny/happy blog this...

Jan 6, 20213 min read
Untangling those unlovable knots
Can you imagine the life we would have, the people we would be, if we stopped feeling undeserving, unlovable and unworthy? Let’s explore...

Dec 24, 20203 min read
Kindness is Magic
Last Sunday I went to a socially distanced Christmas Carol service. The choir sang through the highlights of the child’s birth. Each...
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