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LGBTQ+ Safe Spaces Brighton Arcobaleno

Safe Spaces

Safe spaces are essential for LGBTQ+ individuals as they provide a sense of community, acceptance and support.

They are environments where queer individuals can express themselves freely without fear of discrimination, judgement, or violence. In
many parts of the world, queer individuals face stigma, hate, and violence, and safe spaces provide a refuge from these dangers.

Across Rainbows is committed to creating safe spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals of all ages and backgrounds. We believe that by creating safe spaces, we can foster a sense of belonging and help LGBTQ+ individuals feel empowered to live their lives authentically.

Back Off. Back Up is your ultimate tool for finding safe places and healthcare providers in your local area. Our app is designed to help users identify storefronts or venues with a BOBU sticker displayed in their window, indicating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all, especially those in the LGBTQ+ community.


Arcobaleno is our premier safe space venue that provides a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for queer individuals to come together and celebrate their identities. It's a space where people can enjoy performances, connect with others, and be themselves without fear of discrimination or harm.


Rainbow Bubbles is a space where you can ask the hard questions and have open discussions with no judgement. We encourage members to voice their opinions and share their perspectives, while fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding.


At Across Rainbows, we understand the importance of safe spaces and are dedicated to creating a world where queer individuals can live without fear. We believe that everyone deserves to feel safe and supported, and we will continue to work towards making that a reality for LGBTQ+ individuals everywhere.


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